Thursday, June 19, 2008


So leave it up to me to completely botch the name...Hopefully everyone reads my explanation of the name, Lie-la, not lay-la. After her normal, "Brit, you are not very smart" look, Cris explained how to spell the name to me, it's LYLA. So I think it is pretty much official barring any last minute changes, LYLA CLAIRE TERRY.

Here is a little treat from some daddy/daughter time we had today. She is so sweet and little!!

My first time holding her...brings a tear to your eye doesn't it?!


Tami and Kaleo said...

Hi Brit and Cristine. Im so happy for your new baby. Hearing that little cry does make me want another one. I think. 3 feels great though. Are you done having kids. It looks like you are doing way good. Not that I have ever had a c section. But I love reading your blogs because they make me laugh so hard. so hard, can I repeat so hard. haha. I want to hear more about this 4 day spa day. I would love to enroll. Love you Tami

Frayer Family said...

Hey Guys!
Good job!! I bet your so relieved to not be pregnant anymore. I am sure Brit can agree. I was totally excited for you when Terri told me. She is very jealous and wants her baby out too!! Can't wait to see you and your cute family (somtime). I wish you were in Utah, since I am going down there to take care of Terri when she has her baby. Congratulations!!!!! My kids all sat and watched your baby pictures and videos. They thought it was very cute. Love ya tons!

Sarah said...

Oh my gosh, Cristine!!!!

She is beautiful!

I have been where you are with such a tiny little baby! My prayers and thoughts are with you and your cute family!

Don't forget to take care of yourself!

P.S. I love the name!! Claire was one of the names we considered for Abigail!

Sundi @ The Life of a Cheap Chickadee said...

Brit- In that picture the baby looks exactly like you!