Thursday, June 5, 2008

Let me entertain you please

We have been in Minneapolis just over a month now and I am completely worn out with all the juggling and magic shows I've had to perform for my children. We have been to more museums, zoos, parks, theaters, libraries, malls, outdoor markets, indoor markets, and of course lakes, than I think I have been to in the past ten years! Do you think for one minute they are saying how much they love it? I think I have been over stimulating them. Chloe, for one says "we NEVER get to go and do anything here! And you never play with us!" And Sophie...I don't know if some signals in her brain get crossed or something, but whenever we are getting ready to go to the park (the park I said) has some kind of physical and mental meltdown.

So this past week I have only taken them out a couple of times and I'm ready to gag them both and keep them in the closet. (Do you like how I said 'take them out' like they are my housebroken pets?) Granted it has been raining most of the week, but I am also 14 months pregnant. I just want to put them to work rubbing my feet. Somehow the novelty wares off and Spongebob is so much more interesting than my swollen toes. Anyway... I thought I might instill a little gratitude for the things we did get to do as opposed to this week, (which by the way, we still managed 2 park trips, some shopping, and a twins baseball game). And I just got a little bit of the same from Chloe, but she is very content drawing and coloring. Sophie, actually, was meltdown free for the most part so I know I was definitely overstimulating her. My question is... how can we get our kids to be grateful?
Now most of you mothers out there can't relate with me or are thinking my hormone level is way off because I just threatened my children on my blog. But if you can relate, I welcome any answers or any volunteer nannies!


Jonelle Hughes said...

My Dear Sweet 14 months pregnant Crissy- I struggle with these same things. It is as if the grateful chip was not installed into their brains corretly. But then, magic happens.... they say thank you. or "mom, thank you for that good dinner", or something rare an unprevoked. I use those to fill up my tank of waning gratitude and hope that it fills me up enough to last for awhile. I am reading a book right now for the second time called "Parenting Breakthrough". I like it alot. Much love my sweet lady!

Jonelle Hughes said...

Ok... I did not spell check nor did I proof read. I have been drinking too much peppermint tea to ease my nausea! Is there a way to correct my post?

Jonelle Hughes said...

PS... Cristine! You know how I feel about clowns! You are cruel!

The Stewarts said...

Crissy! I will be your nanny!!!! I just need to find away to get a plane ticket. haha. . Holy Cow, I miss you guys so much. I can't wait for you to get home. I love you and hope you all are great.


Tami and Kaleo said...

You were so excited to get out there and do new things and all of a sudden your tired and your husband isn't home and you don't want to forge it with the kids by yourself. Can you believe they have a melt down when you say want to go to the park. Crazy. Oh Terri told me about your doctor stuff and having to go in 2 times a week. Be careful. I love you I laugh everytime I read your blogs It makes me miss you. Teaching them gratitude I want to know how to teach them respect. When you figure it out let me know.
Love you

Terry's said...

Yes...I do need to be grateful for the small bits of gratitude, I know. They do thank me for those things, so I know I need to cut down on the big outings. If just to make my life easier more than anything!

Sundi @ The Life of a Cheap Chickadee said...

I can relate with having ungrateful girls! Sometimes I think the more fun things you spoil them with the more they get bored.....what do you do though, I like to spend time doing fun things with the fam too. "You can't spoil them with fun" I always tell my husband, but he disagrees. About my "talent" it's not really a talent and I'm sure you could easily have it if you wanted to. I will definitely make your girls anything you like, just let me know. I thought about starting an Etsy shop but I'm too lazy, I'd rather just sew for people I know. BTW when are you due? I think your a very cute pregnant girl, even though you may not feel like it.

Frayer Family said...

I love you because you speak the truth!!! We all feel that way (wether people say it or not). I think that someone forgot to form the "thankful" line in heaven or else my kids got distracted with the "temper tantrum booth" and didn't get in the "thankful" line. Anyway, that is what unconditonal love is for, right? Good luck!

Frayer Family said...

I love you because you speak the truth!!! We all feel that way (wether people say it or not). I think that someone forgot to form the "thankful" line in heaven or else my kids got distracted with the "temper tantrum booth" and didn't get in the "thankful" line. Anyway, that is what unconditonal love is for, right? Good luck!

Sarah said...

I am ever so glad you blog stalked me! I am also a very skilled blog stalker, I loooove it!

My children are the princes of ingratitude (is that a word? it sounds wierd to me right now). The only solace I find is when it's Mother's Day and their teachers make them write something nice about me. It usually has something to do with cooking or cleaning- JOY! I'll take what I can get and pray for sunny days ahead!

Hope the summer flies by for you! We will have to meet up when you get back and get into your new baby groove!


Sarah said...


Eliza said...

I'd say I have to agree with all. The times they do say thank you or I love you just because is the best!

Mother's Day is the day for refueling for me as well... especially when my children comment on my weight...last year I was 11 lbs and this year I gained a few and was 90 (still fantastic). Or what about when they say "my mom spends most of her time..... on the computer". Ooops!

ps. that IS a scary clown... not favorite.

Kelly Drake said...

Well, you have to think about how long it took us to start being grateful and then realize how different it is now... So you will probably start being appreciated when Chloe turns 32!