Monday, August 27, 2007

The First Terry Family Camping Trip

So it was a good thing we didn't go far because who knows what would have happened. My girls sure are cute but not to big on camping...maybe we'll find a different family hobby.

This pretty much sums it up, 8000 feet in the mountains and Roxy hoodies is all we have for warmth! My sweet wife thinks we are still in CA, but quickly found out that night that we, in fact, were not. I thought she was hyperventalating she was so cold.

Then comes the puck, Chloe had a belly full of marshmellows and yacked them all up around 3 AM. Needless to say I lost my spot in the warm comfy bag so my baby could get warm again. At least we have a story to tell. I thought it was fun, Cris I think is good until next summer.

1 comment:

Jonelle Hughes said...

(((((Britt))))) That means big hugs. Um, Did I ever share stories of girl's camp, 4th, 5th and 6th year hikes, etc.. with you? I am sorry. I should have warned you about the camping thing before you guys got married. Camp to Cristine means an air mattress, electricity, hot showers, and a butane curling iron that does not freeze in the cold air of Deerhaven. It also ALWAYS means a can of BEENIES AND WEENIES. I dragged her to camp by her hair one year. OF course, it was my idea to ditch the 4th year hike and go back and take a nap. Wait, that was her idea! LOLOL.. the pics were so cute though!